Editorial Board

Chief Editor

Field Name Affiliation
Small Hydro Power Young-Do Choi Mokpo Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea


Field Name Affiliation
Bioenergy You-Kwan Oh Pusan Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea
ESS/Grid Yun-Su Kim Gwangju Inst. of Sci. and Tech., Republic of Korea
Fuel Cell Gu-Gon Park Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Gas Hydrates Seong-Pil Kang Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Geothermal Energy Jong Min Choi Hanbat Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea
Hydrogen Cell Hyun-Seok Cho Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Low Carbon Technology Jung-il Yang Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Marine Energy Jin-Hak Yi Korea Inst. of Ocean Sci. and Tech., Republic of Korea
Photovoltaics Jihye Gwak Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Policy, Strategy & New Business Sangmin Cho Korea Energy Economics Inst., Republic of Korea
Policy, Strategy & New Business Jeong Hwan Bae Chonnam Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea
Resource Assessment Chang Ki Kim Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Solar Thermal Kyoung-Ho Lee Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Waste to Energy & Utilization Sang-kyu Choi Korea Inst. of Machinery & Materials, Republic of Korea
Wind Energy Sang Lae Lee Korean Register, Republic of Korea
Zero-Energy Eung-Shin Lee Myongji Univ., Republic of Korea

Associate Editor

Field Name Affiliation
Bioenergy Soo Youn Lee Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Kyung-ran Hwang Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Clean Fuel Howon Ra Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
ESS/Grid Sun-Hwa Yeon Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Fuel Cell Jin-Soo Park Sangmyung Univ., Republic of Korea
Hyunchul Ju Inha Univ., Republic of Korea
Gas Hydrates Yongwon Seo Ulsan Natโ€™l Inst. of Sci. and Tech., Republic of Korea
Geothermal Energy Eunchul Kang Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Hydrogen Cell Chang-Hee Kim KENTECH, Republic of Korea
Low Carbon Technology Hyungchul Ham Inha Univ., Republic of Korea
Marine Energy Shin-Hyung Rhee Seoul Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea
Nam-jo Jeong Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Photovoltaics Youngkuk Kim Sungkyunkwan Univ., Republic of Korea
Jinjoo Park Cheongju Unversity, , Republic of Korea
SeJin Ahn Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Policy, Strategy & New Business Jaekyun Ahn Korea Energy Economics Inst., Republic of Korea
Resource Assessment Yun Gon Lee Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea
Small Hydro Power Jungwan Park Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Central Res. Inst., Republic of Korea
Solar Thermal Jeongbae Kim Korea Natโ€™l Univ. of Transportation, Republic of Korea
Waste to Energy & Utilization Jae-Hoi Gu Inst. for Advanced Eng., Republic of Korea
Seacheon Oh Kongju Natโ€™l Univ., Republic of Korea
Wind Energy Jongpo Park Inst. for Advanced Eng., Republic of Korea
EunKuk Son Korea Inst. of Energy Res., Republic of Korea
Seung-Ho Song Kwangwoon Univ., Republic of Korea

International Board

Field Name Affiliation
Marine Energy Cameron Johnstone University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Policy, Strategy & New Business Jiang Kejun Energy Research Institute, China
Solar Thermal Jin-Soo Kim The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CRISO), Australia
Resource Assessment Yangang Liu Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), The United States of America
Wind Energy Wei Shi Dalian University, China



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